Department of Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics
Welcome to the Department of Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics at ESSEC Business School
The aim of the Department is threefold:
Contribute to theoretical and empirical academic research to the highest international standards.
Participate in knowledge dissemination to undergraduates, graduates, doctoral students and practitioners.
Analyze empirical issues and provide practical advice, whether from an academic or corporate perspective.
These three intertwined objectives contribute to the mission of the Department: the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. Research is the cornerstone of the Department’s activity, ensuring the dissemination of the latest theoretical developments through teaching and consulting
The Department focuses on the modeling, management and analysis of quantitative and qualitative information.
It is made up of two complementary areas:
Information Systems deal with the modeling, development, management and use of business information. Besides being a functional area in their own right, Information Systems support business processes, communication, collaboration and decision-making, throughout and across organizations.
Data Analytics & Operations Research focus on interpreting and modeling data for decision-making. The two main approaches look at uncertainty differently: according to whether or not it is specifically modeled leads to stochastic (statistics, econometrics, forecasting) or deterministic (operations research, optimization, data mining) methods.
The Department’s collaboration with partner institutions and other ESSEC Departments is also materialized in various academic programs.
The Department organizes regular seminars as well as conferences, where the latest research works are presented and discussed.
Current Department Chair: Frank CHAN
Administrative Contact: Patricia Fernandez